
How you can help

July 2016

The world is currently trying to respond to an unprecedented increase in illegal wildlife trade. This crime threatens decades of conservation success and is impacting on many of the world’s wildlife species. Driven by corruption, greed and demand some of the worlds most iconic and well known species like elephants and rhinos are being threatened by illegal trade but the threats go beyond these well known and recognisable species and impacts on many others including lesser known species like pangolins as well as birds, frogs, and plants.

The scale of the problem and the number of animals being killed for the illegal wildlife trade can often seem daunting and many people feel it is a problem that is either beyond them or has very little to do with them. But there are lots of things you can do as a member of the general public.

Here are four ways you can help stop the illegal wildlife trade:

  • Know what you are buying: and say no to illegal wildlife products. Do not use products derived from the illegal wildlife trade. Check the ingredients of the products you buy, and make sure they are legally supplied. Do not buy products made from or formulated with wildlife body parts like ivory, fur, and shells. If you are buying pets, make sure they are legally documented.
  • Report anything suspicious: to the local authorities or local law enforcement agency. When travelling you can download and use a number of smart phone apps or call crimestoppers.
  • Tell your friends and family: the more people know the more we can help tackle this together. Be aware of the wildlife protection laws in your country and tell your friends and family about these and let them know what is going on with the worlds’ species like elephants and rhinos.
  • Be aware, be informed and get involved: There are lots of options for getting more information and learning more about the issue. Information today a just a click away. Learn more about the critically and endangered species, and understand the issues surrounding them. Tell your friends and family about the issue and encourage them to also take a stand to help protect some of the world’s most iconic and threatened species. Find time to share, like, and follow conservation accounts.

We need your help to end the illegal wildlife trade.